Kebun Binatang Terkejam di Dunia ada di Indonesia (PICTURES)

Situs Inggris populer, MailOnline (Dailymail), menjuluki Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS) sebagai kebun binatang terkejam di dunia.

Ini karena dia melihat sendiri bagaimana binatang-binatang di tempat ini telantar dan tidak dirawat dengan benar. Ini tampak dari penampilan penghuni KBS yang kurus, murung, bahkan terluka.

Bahkan, dari perbincangan dengan mantan petugas KBS, Shears mengaku prihatin karena sudah lebih dari 50 binatang yang tewas dalam tiga bulan terakhir.

Reporter MailOnline, Richard Shears, yang tinggal di Sydney, Australia, menggambarkan keprihatinan itu lewat foto-fotonya yang menyedihkan.

Dia mengaku sangat prihatin melihat kuda nil yang tampak tak terurus, macan yang terlihat tinggal tulang, dan gajah yang kakinya dirantai padahal dia sudah terkurung dalam kandangnya.

Shears sendiri makin prihatin ketika berbincang dengan mantan petugas KBS, Tony Sumampau, yang menyatakan bahwa petugas kebanyakan lebih sibuk mengurusi barang dagangannya di kebun binatang itu ketimbang merawat binatang-binatang di sana.

Yang lebih menyedihkan, ada seekor jerapah yang tewas dengan 20 kilogram kantung plastik dalam perutnya. Belum lagi harimau sumatra menderita akibat mengalami pembusukan pencernaan.

Pemandangan lain tak kalah mengenaskan. Seekor orangutan terlihat mengunyah bulpen yang dilemparkan seorang pengunjung.

Berikut sebagian foto yang diabadikan reporter MailOnline. Hanya satu kata untuk itu semua: Memprihatinkan!

Chained by 3 legs this juvenile male elephant was in clear distress at Surabaya Zoo in East Java, Indonesia. One of its legs had a laceration from being chained all the time 

Painful: Another elephant suffered the same treatment, having a front and hind leg tethered with chains so taut that it was unable to make a single step

Sad: A South American brown capuchin monkey looked imploringly out of its cage for several minutes before grabbing a banana and returning to the cage's edge

Emaciated: This camel's ribs were plain to see as it ate grass in its enclosure. Richard Shears left depressed after seeing animals cooped up together in tiny cages

When one giraffe died, zoo authorities simply built an exhibit of its skeleton

A solitary South American brown capuchin Our reporter saw scores of rats in the bank of the moat in the orangutan enclosure

Sad: A spokesman for the 3,000-animal zoo said conditions were improving and the animals had died because they were old or had diseases

Tiny: The brick hutch which contained the tiger, centre, inside its cage. At first the enclosure appeared to be empty until our reporter heard moans from the window

Cramped: This Sumatran tiger groaned as it sat in a brick hutch. One tiger last year died after its digestive tract was rotted by the formaldehyde-laced meat it ate

Cruel: The tiger appeared agitated in its small brick hut with a barred window, turning around in tight circles. Meanwhile, the main portion of its cage lay empty

Glum: These two gibbons, animals which usually live in trees, were placed on an island surrounded by a moat, one of several species in a space ill-suited to their needs

Surabaya Zoo, pictured, has been dubbed the Zoo of Death. The Jakarta Globe said there were 42 deaths while a former keeper said the figure was higher

Local Indonesian tourists take pictures at the entrance to Surabaya Zoo in front of the city's emblem, a crocodile and white shark fighting. The Mail's reporter Richard Shears after a horrifying tour of Surabaya Zoo in East Java, Indonesia.


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