Romantisnya... Foto Nikahan setelah 88 Tahun Menikah

Sepasang suami istri akhirnya bisa memiliki foto pernikahan sebagai bukti kesejatian cinta mereka. Mereka mendapatkannya setelah menikah selama hampir 88 tahun.

Wu Conghan (101) dan istrinya Wu Sognshi (103) menikah pada 1924 dan telah bersama hampir sembilan dekade. Kamera nyaris tak dikenal di Cina ketika mereka melangsungkan pernikahan.
Tapi, Conghan dan Sognshi sejak itu sudah punya pikiran ingin mengabadikan momen pernikahan mereka tersebut.

Keinginan Conghan dan Sognshi kini akhirnya bisa tersebut setelah 88 tahun berlalu. Sebuah perusahaan foto lokal menawarkan bantuan bagi pasangan dari Nanchong, Provinsi Sichuan, Cina tersebut.

Mereka menawarkan Conghan-Sognshi untuk foto pernikahan. Keduanya difoto dengan memakai baju pengantin lengkap dengan asesorisnya.

Never too late: Dressed in their finest wedding attire the 101-year-old groom and his 103-yerar-old bride pose for their photo - 88 years after the wedding

Never too late: Dressed in their finest wedding attire the 101-year-old groom and his 103-year-old bride pose for their photo - 88 years after the wedding

Dream come true: The couple from Nanchong in China's Sichuan province married in 1924, and were never given the opportunity to commemorate their big day
Dream come true: The couple from Nanchong in China's Sichuan province married in 1924, and were never given the opportunity to commemorate their big day

Bridezilla: Sognshi buttons her husband's shirt to make sure that he looks the perfect groom before the camera
Bridezilla: Sognshi buttons her husband's shirt to make sure that he looks the perfect groom on camera

Eternal bliss: The couple has been together for nearly nine decades
Eternal bliss: The couple has been together for nearly nine decades


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